Pinhole Camera

Welcome, this is how i made my pinhole camera, what i used, what i would do different next time and other useful information.

Friday 2 September 2011

Developing Advert Campaign & Planning For Pitch

The idea for my advert will fit in nicely with the age group and will relate to them in many ways.
An ugly computer geeky guy is chatting online and this hot girl and she wants to meet him. But he knows he isn't good looking. So he is frantic about looking good. It is about 5 minutes to the date, he realises that he has nothing to give to the girl, so he picks a very small daisy off the ground. Then he passes a BOUNCE machine. He pops in some change and a BOUNCE drink gently gets lowered into the bottom then he takes a big sip and transforms into this hot guy, in one hand he has a big bunch of flowers and in the other he has his bottle of Bounce. He meets the girl puts his arm around her then walks off into the distance.
The Brand for my advert is going to be called Bounce, the logo for product will be the name of my product just in fancy writing. On the bottle I am going for really bright colours, the colours system will go like this Black, Orange, Black, Red, Black, Pink, Black, Purple, Black, Yellow, Black, Yellow, Black, Red, Black and Pink. The slogan for my drink will be ‘Something to make you feel good about yourself’ but this will not be on the bottle as it will be to long.
  This is the font which will be displayed on the bottle.
I can see a lot of different people watching the advert and even buying our drink, middle class people will watch it more than upper or lower class. People at school who want to just fit in with the crowd or even start the new thing; they will buy this to fit in with the crowd.
I will appeal to the correct audience by using the same age people in the advert; also I will use the same sort of fashion. I can also set the advert in places where these age people would hang around or even at a school or college.
During the advert the only editing I want is right at the end when it will advertise the drinks and all the different flavours, I would like two characters which would be the man and the women and I would like a few background people. I haven’t decided on which music I would like but something calm and fancy but when he drinks the bottle of Bounce I want it to change into hip hop, bass and really funky music.

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Primary Research 'DIET COKE'

Diet Coke
In the Diet Coke advert, the cinematography used during the advert (lighting and camera angles) was used to its best. During the whole advert everything is very bright, you can clearly see what is going on in the background and nothing is dimmed. I believe the light is the mood of the lady as when her friend throws a coin into the drink machine; she automatically gets up and starts dancing, so the light could represent her mood. During the advert they didn’t use a wide range of angles, they used a MS, CU and a WS and that’s it, I believe they could have used a lot more angles to make the advert more interesting. The advert starts of in a office and a lady is given loads of work, she then gets very angry but her friend throws a coin into the drink machine, this then triggers music and the girl starts to dance towards the machine, everybody else in the office is dancing to, then she kicks the machine and a Diet Coke drops out. The props during the advert are every office essential so a computer, work files, pens, paper, chairs, Drink machine and some coins. During the advert there was limited amount of space which made it feel like a office, as a office is normally cramped up with all paper work. The costumes during the advert were very formal as it is in an office they had to dress for work. During the advert they use a good and catchy well known song, she’s a maniac from Michael Sembello, this is a good choice as it’s a well known track and also it has a nice beat which fits in very well with the advert, they also dance with the beat of the track which fits very nicely.
The advert does have a story, at first you see a lady doing some work on her computer, and then the boss and her two assistants come along with a stack load of work for her to do. She then gets very angry but her friend across the table throws a coin into the drink machine, as soon as she does that a music track comes on and the girl starts to dance to the beat of the song, everybody else starts to dance as well which sends a great atmosphere. She then kicks the drink machine, grabs the can of coke and then takes a sip.
At the start of the advert the people are represented in a bad way as they have just been hit with some bad news, then she is given a can of Diet Coke and it changes her mood about her work, she dances, big smiles on her face and it makes her happy. I believe the advert is saying that Diet Coke changes your mood, so whenever you’re in a bad mood have a can of Diet Coke.
The target audience for this advert would be between 16-30 the reason for this is because this is the sort of age where you’re at work and stressing out and a cold drink will just do the trick.
The genre of this advert is comedy, i decided on this because they use puppets with strings and the movement is very structured. Also the dancing is very comical as well, they jump on the table and start to do weird dance, which would bring a smile to anybody’s face.
I think that this advert sends out a strong message and that it just a small thing can make a difference to you and your day. Also to try and new thing, the slogan is “Just for the taste of it” and i think it works brilliantly with the advert. I think it uses one of the advertising techniques and this is wit and humour, as they dance on tables and do some really strange dance moves, this would make people chuckle and put people into a good mood.
I believe this advert would of been very successful as the dancing and the music worked well together, there is one thing i would change and that would be to either have cartoon characters or real people instead of puppets. I think the music worked well really well with the dancing as they danced into the beat of song. This would mostly appeal to teenagers and young adults as they would get this sort of humour.

Primary Research 'FANTA'

In the Fanta commercial the cinematography they used i.e. lighting and camera angles, there was a good amount on each part. The lightning they used was very bright which made it easy to see, also it gave the impression that it was a sunny day and everyone was enjoying themselves, I believe the light was a sign of people’s mood which was happy and excited. They didn’t use many different camera angles during the advert, they used a MS, LS and a CU they also had a camera that was moving from one place to another which I thought felt and was really good and fitted in well with the advert. The advert starts off in someone’s bedroom, the props they have is a bed, a clock, a photo frame and a magazine. It then went onto someone’s balcony there was no props apart from a bottle of Fanta. Then it went into a street there was cars, trees, shops, houses, dogs and another bottle of Fanta. It also went into a car the props in the car there were two bubbleheads. The last set is at a courtyard and there is a basketball and a basketball hoop a book and another bottle of Fanta.  As the advert was animated I can’t really comment on the lightning but everything was really bright and you could see everything that was going on. During the video there was a lot of space it wasn’t to cluttered and you could everything that’s going on. There costumes are mostly casual ware apart from some of them were wearing some nice dresses. The sound during the whole advert was very funky and cool and something you would dance, the song is called It’s like that’ and it’s a song that makes you happy, it fits in with the advert really well
The advert doesn’t really have a story it just goes through the area, it starts off in a girl’s bedroom that is looking very miserable but then a man comes in with a bottle of Fanta and she drinks some of the Fanta and then she starts bouncing up and down. It then goes to someone’s balcony a girl is standing on the balcony and poring Fanta into someone’s mouth who is jumping up, then it proceeds to go into a car where they are just watching everybody bounce up and down and last it goes into a playground were people are playing basketball, then they run out of Fanta and everything stops bouncing but luckily the guy from the beginning of the advert comes back and has a bottle of Fanta which makes everyone and everything start bouncing again.
All the people in the advert are represented in a happy way, you can tell this by everyone has a smile on their face, everyone is bouncing around and everyone is just having a really good time. I believe they are represented in that way because Fanta want to tell people this is what Fanta does, it makes you happy, smiley and you just want to have a good time.
The target audience would be between teenagers and young adults because that’s the sort of age were you want to be out with your friends having a good time or partying, at that age you just want to be out.
The genre for the Fanta advert would be comedy, the reason for this is because it doesn’t only make you smile it makes you chuckle because its different to a lot of adverts, by using animated people made it that little bit more funny then it would of been if they were real people.
I believe the message that this advert gives you is to take things less serious and have fun, that is basically there slogan, there slogan is ‘More Fanta, Less Serious’ During the advert I do believe they use some advertising techniques but the main one is Wit and Humour this is because they use cartoon people as the main characters and everything is bouncing up and down even the buildings which makes it witty and makes you smile.
I feel that this advert has been and is very successful, it has really catchy music which would make you turn your head towards the TV instantly. The graphics are really bright which fills the room, which would also make you look towards the TV, also the movement of everything during the advert, everything is bouncing up and down which catches your. This advert is a very good advert because it does what every other advert needs to do and that is to catch the eye of the viewer.

Secondary Research 'DIET COKE'

Diet Coke
I believe this advert is designed for people in their 20’s and aimed towards the female’s this is because the advert has lots of puppets and there all girls, it could appeal to men to but I believe it looks like it is aimed more towards women. In the advert it says lighten up when she is handed a lot of paper work, so it’s an environment women are in. I believe the producers have targeted the audience well because they have based it in an office, the puppets say lighten up and chill so it’s a environment where there is a lot of stress, and all the puppets are ladies.
I think they only used one advertising technique but I think it’s a crucial one. During the whole advert they used wit and humour, this was portrayed by the puppets doing some weird dancing and it being in an office there not really meant to be dancing, they are meant to be working so the advert is saying loosen up and have some fun with Diet Coke.
The Diet Coke logo is very simple it has Diet written in black squiggly writing and Coke is written in bold red written, it’s simple but everyone knows what it is, i don’t think they need to add anything to their logo. The slogan is ‘The coke side of life’ this is very catchy and one of their better ones through recent years, this means just enjoy life loosen up and have a Coke its short and sweet and everyone will know what they mean by it.

Secondary Research 'FANTA'

I believe the target audience for Fanta is teenagers and young adults, the reason for this is all there adverts are animated, they also have a lot going on and there very quirky and enjoyable to watch. The gender I think it will most appeal to is women and the reason is as the whole advert is animated also have cute funny people. Girls/Women will understand the advert a bit as everyone is happy it’s all quirky looking and everyone is having a good time.
The way the producers have targeted them specific groups is the whole animation because it’s something different not a lot of adverts have all animation, in the most recent Fanta advert there is also some really catchy music in the background also having everything bouncing up and down gives it something different that other adverts don’t it just makes you laugh and makes you go out and buy that drink.
The most effective advertising technique Fanta used in there advert is wit and humour, they showed us this by everyone bouncing around and when they ran out of Fanta everybody stopped but they found another bottle and off they went again bouncing around. What Fanta are trying to say is if you buy this drink you will see a new side of life not just the boring aspects of it you will see everything differently be happy and bubbly.

Fanta!!!The Fanta logo I think is very simple just a orange circle with Fanta written across the middle in bubbly writing which is blue and then a green leaf just above the writing in the circle. I like this as its plain and original but it looks really good. The slogan is ‘More Fanta. Less serious’ I also like this because like I said early its saying you can see things in a different way in a less serious way, you can just go out have Fanta and be happy.

Friday 11 February 2011

Question 3 - Have online videos lowered the standars of television production?

3. Have online videos lowered the standards of television production?
I believe there is for’s and against in this argument because in some cases they do but in some they don’t.
Online videos can have a big effect on televised production, there are a number of websites were you can watch clips of movies and programmes correctly like BBC iPlayer and ITV Player this is where they still get credit for people watching their programmes and there are some websites were you can watch clips of these programmes and movies from YouTube or Blip.TV. Now because you can watch these on YouTube or Blip sometimes the quality is not as good as you would expect it or it will keep buffering, so you could get very annoyed in watching them, on the other hand you can actually watch them on sites like BBC iPlayer or ITV Player, from these sites you can watch your desired programmes in a good quality but depending on the internet speed it could still buffer this is why watching it on the television can have its advantages and online videos can have their disadvantages.
On the other hand in some cases online videos can have their advantages, when you’re watching TV if there is two programmes you want to watch and you don’t have a recording system or VoD you would only be able to watch one, but if you have the internet you could possibly find the programme you missed and watch it from there, also by watching it on the internet you can watch it any time you want to instead of being in a time frame whilst watching it on TV.
I believe both arguments have a for and a against, I believe some websites can ruin the experience of watching a ordinary programme on your television set. Websites like BBC iPlayer and ITV Player do not ruin the experience as they are part of the company that is there specific website where you are a loud to watch different programmes from there channels past the 7 day mark. Websites like YouTube and Blip who have people place them on their without permission I believe should be banned as they don’t have a right to post other peoples work on their sites and the quality is nowhere near as good as it is on the TV or BBC iPlayer and ITV Player.
I have came to the conclusion that if the programme your watching it on a site which is either aloud to have that programme or the actually BBC or ITV or any other channels specific website then online videos should be allowed but not on YouTube or Blip.TV. I don’t believe online videos have lowered the standards if there on their desired website but as a lot of people are downloading these from websites which are not allowed then yes, online videos are bringing down the reputation, because when you watch it on TV it has counted as a view but if you watch it from a website like YouTube it does no count.

Question 2 - How has the digital world changed the way we consume and create YV?

2. How has the digital world changed the way we consume and create TV?
There are different ways in which you can watch TV, the main way people watch TV in Digital with Virgin and Sky this is where you have a digital box which is wired underground which then sends signals through the cables so you can watch your TV. Television has been getting better and better through the years, you can now watch TV on the internet, there are 3 good ways of watching television programmes on the internet Interactivity this is a IP – based platform which allows significant opportunities to make the TV viewing experience more interactive. VoD which stands for video on demand this lets you browse online movie catalogue and you can watch trailers and you can select to watch anything from the past seven days. There are many websites you can watch TV on the internet these are just some, BBC iPlayer, ITV Player, TV Shack, Surf the channel and many more.
Editing has improved massively in the digital world, because it easier now to transfer your videos or pictures into software it takes a less time. Now because transferring videos and pictures has gotten easier so how has the editing its self but also you can do much more. With the older editing software you could only cut add some titles and do the basic stuff, but with digital editing you can do much more you can add effects you can drag clips from one end of the timeline to the other. You can make the film look very professional and neat. Now you make think with all this new editing software you would think it would be harder to use but it’s not all the new software comes with a help engine and a very detailed manual.