Pinhole Camera

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Tuesday 30 August 2011

Primary Research 'DIET COKE'

Diet Coke
In the Diet Coke advert, the cinematography used during the advert (lighting and camera angles) was used to its best. During the whole advert everything is very bright, you can clearly see what is going on in the background and nothing is dimmed. I believe the light is the mood of the lady as when her friend throws a coin into the drink machine; she automatically gets up and starts dancing, so the light could represent her mood. During the advert they didn’t use a wide range of angles, they used a MS, CU and a WS and that’s it, I believe they could have used a lot more angles to make the advert more interesting. The advert starts of in a office and a lady is given loads of work, she then gets very angry but her friend throws a coin into the drink machine, this then triggers music and the girl starts to dance towards the machine, everybody else in the office is dancing to, then she kicks the machine and a Diet Coke drops out. The props during the advert are every office essential so a computer, work files, pens, paper, chairs, Drink machine and some coins. During the advert there was limited amount of space which made it feel like a office, as a office is normally cramped up with all paper work. The costumes during the advert were very formal as it is in an office they had to dress for work. During the advert they use a good and catchy well known song, she’s a maniac from Michael Sembello, this is a good choice as it’s a well known track and also it has a nice beat which fits in very well with the advert, they also dance with the beat of the track which fits very nicely.
The advert does have a story, at first you see a lady doing some work on her computer, and then the boss and her two assistants come along with a stack load of work for her to do. She then gets very angry but her friend across the table throws a coin into the drink machine, as soon as she does that a music track comes on and the girl starts to dance to the beat of the song, everybody else starts to dance as well which sends a great atmosphere. She then kicks the drink machine, grabs the can of coke and then takes a sip.
At the start of the advert the people are represented in a bad way as they have just been hit with some bad news, then she is given a can of Diet Coke and it changes her mood about her work, she dances, big smiles on her face and it makes her happy. I believe the advert is saying that Diet Coke changes your mood, so whenever you’re in a bad mood have a can of Diet Coke.
The target audience for this advert would be between 16-30 the reason for this is because this is the sort of age where you’re at work and stressing out and a cold drink will just do the trick.
The genre of this advert is comedy, i decided on this because they use puppets with strings and the movement is very structured. Also the dancing is very comical as well, they jump on the table and start to do weird dance, which would bring a smile to anybody’s face.
I think that this advert sends out a strong message and that it just a small thing can make a difference to you and your day. Also to try and new thing, the slogan is “Just for the taste of it” and i think it works brilliantly with the advert. I think it uses one of the advertising techniques and this is wit and humour, as they dance on tables and do some really strange dance moves, this would make people chuckle and put people into a good mood.
I believe this advert would of been very successful as the dancing and the music worked well together, there is one thing i would change and that would be to either have cartoon characters or real people instead of puppets. I think the music worked well really well with the dancing as they danced into the beat of song. This would mostly appeal to teenagers and young adults as they would get this sort of humour.

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