Pinhole Camera

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Friday 11 February 2011

Question 3 - Have online videos lowered the standars of television production?

3. Have online videos lowered the standards of television production?
I believe there is for’s and against in this argument because in some cases they do but in some they don’t.
Online videos can have a big effect on televised production, there are a number of websites were you can watch clips of movies and programmes correctly like BBC iPlayer and ITV Player this is where they still get credit for people watching their programmes and there are some websites were you can watch clips of these programmes and movies from YouTube or Blip.TV. Now because you can watch these on YouTube or Blip sometimes the quality is not as good as you would expect it or it will keep buffering, so you could get very annoyed in watching them, on the other hand you can actually watch them on sites like BBC iPlayer or ITV Player, from these sites you can watch your desired programmes in a good quality but depending on the internet speed it could still buffer this is why watching it on the television can have its advantages and online videos can have their disadvantages.
On the other hand in some cases online videos can have their advantages, when you’re watching TV if there is two programmes you want to watch and you don’t have a recording system or VoD you would only be able to watch one, but if you have the internet you could possibly find the programme you missed and watch it from there, also by watching it on the internet you can watch it any time you want to instead of being in a time frame whilst watching it on TV.
I believe both arguments have a for and a against, I believe some websites can ruin the experience of watching a ordinary programme on your television set. Websites like BBC iPlayer and ITV Player do not ruin the experience as they are part of the company that is there specific website where you are a loud to watch different programmes from there channels past the 7 day mark. Websites like YouTube and Blip who have people place them on their without permission I believe should be banned as they don’t have a right to post other peoples work on their sites and the quality is nowhere near as good as it is on the TV or BBC iPlayer and ITV Player.
I have came to the conclusion that if the programme your watching it on a site which is either aloud to have that programme or the actually BBC or ITV or any other channels specific website then online videos should be allowed but not on YouTube or Blip.TV. I don’t believe online videos have lowered the standards if there on their desired website but as a lot of people are downloading these from websites which are not allowed then yes, online videos are bringing down the reputation, because when you watch it on TV it has counted as a view but if you watch it from a website like YouTube it does no count.

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